
DoN: Day 10 Free Cell Pt 1

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

                                                          Day 10
                                                         Free Cell

Kagome woke just before dawn and could not go back to sleep. Her nerves did not allow her to sleep very well. Deciding to get up, she carefully moved the covers back so as to not wake Shippo. He was resting peacefully. Kagome smiled down to him as she moved to her backpack, grabbing it she stealthily left the small hut where her companions, not including Ringoshu who steadily watched Kikyo for any changes, slept after a tumultuous night.

Kagome crossed the short distance to Sango’s empty home; everyone had stayed in Keade’s hut to make sure Kikyo was stable. She dressed quickly in warm clothes and moved from Sango’s home. The urgency to talk to Kiwi was all that coursed in her veins. The cool morning air hit her face and woke her further reminding her of what she was about to do.  

Sesshomaru turned his gaze from the still visible moon to the figure emerging from the house next to the one he was perched upon. Recognizing that the figure was Kagome he leapt down in front of her. Kagome went to let out a scream of fright, but a hand covered her mouth in a flash. Her wide eyes looked up. She relaxed when a glint of silver hair shimmered in the moonlight. The hand was removed from her lips, and she smiled up at the new comer.

“Good morning Sesshomaru.” Kagome said as quietly as she could.

Sesshomaru gave her a nod and looked to Keade’s hut as another person joined them. Kagome followed her gaze, her mood turned somber at the woman’s expression. She walked over to them and gave a quick good morning before getting right down to business. Sesshomaru followed closely behind her.

“Ringoshu what happened? Is Kikyo alright?” the acid demoness looked just as concerned as Kagome did as she spoke in the same quiet manner she had as she motioned for them to move further away from the domicile.

“She is getting worse Kagome-chan. She is following in the same footsteps as Kiwi had all those years ago…” Ringoshu looked down to have her bangs cover her eyes. Kagome hugged her and reassured her that she would do everything she had to save both Kikyo and the baby.

“Ringoshu, watch over the priestess until we return.” Sesshomaru gave the acid demoness her orders as he stepped to the side and motioned for Kagome to follow him. Ringoshu bowed deep as the two walked away towards the forest and disappeared.

Kagome stayed a few paces behind the demon lord until they came upon the riverbank. A cool winter breeze blew across the water making it colder as it hit Kagome’s face; it made her teeth clatter together.  Sesshomaru stopped and turned towards her.

“We will travel faster by air. Come.” He held out his right hand for her to take. Kagome was too cold to respond. She brought her right hand to his and he pulled her to him.  

Sesshomaru wrapped his pelt around her as he formed his cloud beneath their feet. Before Kagome could ask how she would not fall through his cloud, they were in the air. Kagome clung to him with everything she had borrowing his warmth and strength. Sesshomaru momentarily looked down, but said nothing.

It was indeed faster then the travel by ground a couple of days past. They arrived at his castle in a mere two hours. Sesshomaru set her down on her feet at the entrance to his castle. Servants came out to greet them bowing low. He paid them no attention and neither did Kagome much to his surprise and praise. Little did he know that Kagome was too cold and too focused on her task to notice the action.

Kiwi…Are you awake?

Kagome reached out to the acid demon, her feet taking her instinctively towards the sewing room.  Sesshomaru walked beside her in silence. He would let his future lady show him how she would handle this situation.  Plus, this was beyond amusing, better then kicking Jaken into the nearest lake to see how many skips across the surface he made before falling in. They both stopped in front of the shoji doors of Kiwi’s sanctuary. Kagome tried to reach her once again.


The doors slid open to reveal a stoic as ever Blueberry. There was something off about her that Kagome could not place until she looked the tall demoness in the eyes. Within their depths she saw the somber and forlorn emotions that she hid so well. Kagome made to say something to her and ask where her elder sister was, when a very quiet and very sad voice gave her the answer even before the breath passed her own lips.

“Kiwi-chan is awake. She wishes to be alone.”  Sesshomaru made to give the servant an order, but again Kagome astonished him. Ever since he met her all those years ago in his father’s grave, she was able to do that, it a nerved him, but also excited him. He hated being bored, and with her he never was.

“I have to see her. This matter can’t wait Blueberry-san.” The acid demon did not blink, nor move.

“I know about the past Blueberry. Ringoshu told us yesterday. I am sorry about what happened, but the same thing may be happening again with my…my…” Kagome did not know what to call Kikyo at this point. She was no longer an enemy, nor was she a rival. Deciding after a few moments she said what she had been feeling for Kikyo for a while now.

“My friend, the priestess Kikyo, is dying and so is …Inuyasha’s baby.” Kagome tried to make the last two words sound shocking. She did not know that the four sisters had known before she did, Blueberry kept that fact hidden from her as well. The demoness did not move an inch.

Kagome took a step back and closed her eyes. She was going to resort to a tactic she really did not want to use, but she was left with no other choice. When she reopened her eyes they were glowing with a faint white light. Sesshomaru watched with an amused smirk on his face as Blueberry took an involuntary step backwards, but still hung onto the door blocking the way inside. He understood what was going on. He decided that he was not going to interfere unless one of them actually posed a threat. Sesshomaru crossed his arms into his long flowing sleeves and just waited.



I dare because there are lives at stake…and you are the only person that can help me…tell Blueberry to move aside so we can talk…just hear me out before you refuse me…

The forced link was severed and Blueberry moved out of the way. She bowed low as the two entered the room. Sesshomaru lead Kagome to the door to the private garden. He slid the door open to only allow her through it. After Kagome passed the threshold he shut the door behind her.

Kagome squinted as she looked around the bright garden in front of her. The sun had come up as she traveled here with Sesshomaru, but had risen further in the sky. It was clear today adding to the sun’s brightness. Kagome opened her eyes and scanned her surroundings now that she could see again.

Grass glistened with melting dew. A single gray stone path zigzagged its way deep into the garden and even turned into a little bridge over a trickling stream. It was not very big. It would only fit a single person at a time; one could even jump across the stream with just a little skip. Kagome moved in a slow pace to the little footbridge and walked until she was in the middle of it. She looked across the expanse of lilies and lotus blossoms of dozens of colors. It was then that Kagome noticed there was no breeze. Her suspicion of the place once she noticed there was only dew and not frost on the grass. This garden was a feudal greenhouse.

Kagome looked up towards the ceiling to see that there were indeed windows that covered the entire surface. They weren’t made of glass, but very thin shoji screen paper to allow enough light through. Over it were slanted wood panels to help keep the moister inside and allow for privacy.  Looking back down, she proceeded along the path on the other side of the bridge. A few minutes passed and Kagome stopped as the trail ended. At the end of the path it opened into a small clearing of green grass and a lone sakura tree.

The tree was in full bloom even though it was winter outside. Kagome’s gaze fell from the pink petals to a figure sitting underneath its branches. Kagome made to take a few steps to Kiwi as they spoke but the hushed voice that filled her head made her stop.

Please…stay there Kagome-sama…</i>

Kagome nodded her head. All the words she wished to say to her, to plead her case and persuade her to leave her sanctum, were now gone with that one breathy request. The torment that underlined those words made Kagome’s heart sink deeper into her chest. Kiwi began to speak to Kagome, but sounded as if she talked to herself instead. The tree wept pink flora for the acid demon beneath its boughs in time to Kiwi’s own silent sobs.

My son Tojimaru lay here…he would have been over seven hundred now…I would have had grandchildren…I would have passed on my sewing trade to them and watch them flourish…now…now all I have are my dreams of a life that was not meant for me…</i>

Kagome listened as Kiwi went on. The demoness sat on her knees and patted the ground in front of her ever so gently as if it was a newborn baby. Kagome made to take another step, but all Kiwi did was shake her head ‘no’ and stood up. Kiwi turned and faced Kagome with red-rimmed eyes and puffy cheeks. Minutes passed as the two stared at one another. Kagome found her resolve in that time. She stepped closer but stopped just outside the tree line. Kiwi just watched with unblinking eyes.

Kiwi…it doesn’t have to be this way…

Of course it does…I brought this upon myself and my siblings…this is all I deserve…</i>

Kiwi began to weep once more motioning with her arms to encompass all that was around her to prove her point. Kagome shook her head ‘no’ and made the same gesture with her own hands.

You don’t deserve to be locked in yourself made prison Kiwi-san…the only wrong you might have done was love someone that was probably not that deserving of such a  gift in the first place…

Perhaps…but I could have prevented my son from dying or stop Sesshomaru from killing my mate…I should have…</i>

There was nothing you could have done to stop any of it…if anything I’ve learned over the course of my life here in this time is that everything happens for a reason…you can’t stop from loving whom you do and you can’t change who they are…

Then what good is my gift if I cannot help change the course of events…why see things if they are meaningless?</i>

Your gift is not meaningless just as you as a person is not meaningless…don’t sell yourself short Kiwi-san…you have talents that anyone would be envious of…why lock yourself away from the world when the world wants you back in it?


Kiwi drew a white cloth from her sleeve and wiped her eyes and nose before placing it back in her sleeve for safekeeping. Kagome walked to stand before the little demoness. Without warning Kagome gave Kiwi a bear hug. The acid demon’s resolve broke. Kiwi clutched at Kagome’s back in her depression and wept. Kagome cried along side her, soothing her all the while.

Mideriko told me something yesterday that I think would be good for you to hear as well…

Kiwi continued to weep as Kagome went ahead and told her.

She told me not to live in sorrow, but in happiness…

I wouldn’t know how even if I wanted to Kagome-sama…</i>

Come with me…let me show you how…help me save someone from this same pain Kiwi-chan…

If my Lady commands it I must obey…</i>

Kagome stood back from Kiwi and gave her the brightest smile as she spoke to her again. Kiwi could say or do nothing in the presence of such caring and innocence. She understood why Sesshomaru chose her even more now. Kagome was a rare jewel in a sea of pebbles.

No not an order…I could never force anyone to do anything they didn’t want to…but as a friend I would be most grateful…

A friend…</i>

Yes…a friend…will you help me help Kikyo and her child Kiwi-chan?

Kagome let Kiwi go and stepped back a few steps to give the acid demon some room and time to think to her-self. Kagome waited as she watched Kiwi go through a rainbow of emotion on her face before Kiwi gave a curt nod after coming to a decision.

I will help you Kagome…chan…tell me what I must do…</i>

Kagome squealed in delight. She gave the small woman a great big hug that made the last one seem loose. Kiwi was startled and then gave a silent laugh as Kagome stepped back a tad embarrassed. Kiwi listened intently as Kagome told her of her plan and what needed to be done.

Sesshomaru waited until his patience had given out to boredom. He surmised that the reason she was taking so long was the fact that she had in fact convinced Kiwi to leave and was telling her, what the idea was. After concluding to this he left the small area that lead to the garden and walked back out to a kneeling and cleaning Blueberry.

“Blueberry, have breakfast brought here for everyone including Rin. Have Lemon bring her here.”

Blueberry nodded and left in a hurry to do what she was told. After he saw her leave he turned back and walked to the door to the garden. He stepped through and walked leisurely towards the pair under the ever-blooming sakura tree. He heard Kagome’s musical laughter as he approached them. Both women were smiling and enjoying a conversation that was no longer dark and brooding.

Kiwi was the first to notice him and gave him an apologetic bow. Kagome did not know why she did so, but Sesshomaru did. He was not about to explain it to Kagome either. He sat down a little bit away from them, but not too far away from Kagome.

“Blueberry will bring food here.”

Kagome and Kiwi both nodded and carried on with their conversation as if he wasn’t there. Sesshomaru just watched Kagome closely as time went on and the food came, along with a very happy Rin. She had taken a strong liking to the woman. Lemon sat a bit away from Kagome, but no one noticed this save for her siblings. After breakfast was completed Sesshomaru stood up before everyone else did. He turned towards the siblings and started with the orders.

“Kiwi-san, prepare to leave shortly. Lemon, you will take Rin back to her room for more lessons. Blueberry, tell the rest of the staff to be prepared for my return in a couple of days.” All three nodded and left quickly, knowing why he had given such orders at this moment. Rin said goodbye to a smiling Kagome. The little girl waved as she crossed the bridge then out of sight with a grumpy Lemon telling her to hurry up.

Kagome turned around to give Sesshomaru the riot act after Kiwi and Blueberry left as well, but stopped as he took her hand and lead her to stand fully underneath the sakura tree. She blushed prettily for him, which made him smirk ever so deviantly. He let her hand go and the pair stared at one another for a few moments before Kagome closed her eyes half way and looked down demurely. Sesshomaru reeled in every ounce of restraint at the sight of more submissive gestures she gave him. Sesshomaru decided it was time to explain a few things to her about the rituals of his family’s courting.

“We will meet alone twice a day until you accept this Sesshomaru fully as your mate.”

Kagome looked at him as she blinked a few times. She was wondering if she heard him correctly. Sesshomaru did not give her time to voice any concerns or questions on the matter. He just went on explaining things to her, which led her to be even more bewildered and bashful.

“This Sesshomaru will give you a gift at our second meeting each day. Each one will be grander then the last one received until I am fully accepted as your Lord.”  Kagome was floored and so very lost.

Okay...okay...slow down there heart…I have to be alone with Sesshomaru twice a day...and he gives me things too…did I fall into a fairytale somewhere…

Kagome rubbed her temples and closed her eyes as the information sunk into her mind. Letting out a long sigh she looked at him once more. He seemed to be waiting for the questions he knew would be coming shortly. Kagome never liked to disappoint anyone.

“What do we do during our….alone time together?” Kagome did not know quite how to voice the inquiry, but she had to know.

“That, Kagome, is completely up to you, this Sesshomaru is at your service during those times.”

Kagome blushed a pale pink at the use of her name, and at the implications that one sentence held. She also knew that what he was capable of when left to his own devices. She thought back to a night where she was pinned to a tree and visibly shuddered. She wondered if their alone time was going to entail that or could she have more of a say in it. Kagome had an evil plot to get back at the demon in front of her already in the works in her mind.

Sesshomaru watched as the different emotions played through her eyes, and inwardly smirked at the shudder that racked her frame when her blush grew darker. He was, however, sorely tempted to ask why she all of a sudden got a diabolical look in her eyes and a smirk to rival his own. Mentally shrugging it off, he decided to let it slide.

They had to leave and soon if they were going to save the once undead miko. He really did not care either way if the woman lived or died, but he knew that if she did, his little priestess would never forgive herself. That of course would not do at all.  Sesshomaru wanted nothing more then to stand underneath this tree and treat Kagome to her new found status. Time grows short, and since she had gone through all the trouble of getting his seamstress to leave her sanctuary, he was not going to let the demoness have time to reconsider. A cryptic thought crossed his mind as prospects of his evening came to bear.

“Come, we must leave”

Kagome was brought out of her musing. She nodded that she heard him and watched as he grabbed her left hand and lightly kissed the top of it. This earned him a very red blush that crawled down her neck. Satisfied with the reaction he let go of her hand gently and began to walk towards the bridge. Stunned at the gesture she almost fell over. Realizing that he was walking away she ran to catch up to him. Sesshomaru had already crossed the bridge and waited for her by the door leading out of the greenhouse garden.  

Kagome swiftly followed Sesshomaru’s retreating form out of the sewing room and down now familiar corridors. Servants bowed as they past, but trying to keep up with the demon lord’s stride proved that it took all her energy and focus to keep up. They did not stop until they had left the confines of the main hall. Brisk wind made Kagome shiver. She looked to a grey sky as a light snow began to fall. Noticing Sesshomaru began to walk once again heading to the main gate, she fell into step behind him once more.

At the gate the three acid demons waited for them to approach. All three bowed in unison as Sesshomaru and Kagome came to a stop in front of them. Looking from the trio she saw Ah-Un packed and ready to leave. Standing up straight Kiwi gave reassuring smiles to her younger siblings and headed to the two headed dragon and mounted. She waited until Sesshomaru took flight first, so as to follow. Sesshomaru eyed the remaining sisters and gave them their orders once more.

“Lemon see to Rin in my absence, you know the consequence of failure.” With a hasty bow Lemon left her lord and soon to be lady to do just what she was told.

“Blueberry, the keep is in your trust.” Sesshomaru pulled his courted into his grasp and formed his cloud.

The acid demon bowed and stayed there until Sesshomaru was air born with the priestess in his arms. Standing she watched as Kiwi flew away from the palace. A single tear fell from her ruby eye. The crooked smile gracing her features for she was happy her sister finally had the courage to leave the castle in over seven hundred years. Turning swiftly, Blueberry went inside the domain of the west to finish preparations for her lord and future lady’s return.

The trip back took a little longer this time around. The duo had to keep pace for Kiwi to follow. Kagome had sensed the demoness’ trepidation the closer they got to Keade’s village. Silently Kagome sent Kiwi reassurances that everything was going to be fine since Sesshomaru and she were there for her. Sesshomaru knew the women were talking amongst themselves. He concentrated on flying and keeping Kagome warm, she would not stop shaking.

Feeling the small of her back, he lightly rubbed the fabric of her top in his fingers. His brow creased in irritation. The material was flimsy and was not keeping out the bitter chill of the winter winds. He made a quick decision to have her change once they got to the old woman’s dwelling. He was sure that Kiwi had packed enough to spare one to borrow. If not he concluded, that she would make one before either of them gallivanted any further in the wilderness. A small sniffling of a nose caught his attention. Not looking down he spoke to her, causing her to jump slightly at the sudden sound.

“You are unwell.” Kagome rolled her eyes.

“I’m fine.” She responded curtly and closed her eyes. Sesshomaru was curious as to why she got ill. He decided to ask instead of keeping it to himself.

“You are immortal, how can you be ailing?” A long pause met his ears before her hushed voice nearly shattered his continence.

“I guess a part of me is still human.” Silence reigned over them as the wheels in Sesshomaru’s head spun nearly out of control.

Sesshomaru got an idea on how to make her better. He looked up to the sky above them to notice that the sun was reaching its zenith. Bringing his gaze back to earth he gauged that they were still a half hour away from where the others were residing. He looked back to Ah-Un and called out the order after spotting a clearing.   

“Down.” That was all that was needed to be said as the beast of burden followed his master into the empty area. Kagome was beside herself. Her own mind was going a mile a minute. She had blocked out Kiwi because she needed to think for herself.

Is he going to send me away…is me being human that disgusting to him…why go through all this trouble…why pretend all this if…if…oh yeah our bargain for his brother’s sword…but why the courting…I just don’t get it…I guess I never will…

Upon landing Sesshomaru set a sniffling and shaking Kagome on her wobbly feet. Kiwi remained on Ah-Un and watched the scene unfold before her. Before Kagome could make an apology for something that was completely out of her control, Sesshomaru turned away from her. Feeling dejected she lowered her head so her bangs shaded her eyes from view. In the softest voice either Sesshomaru or Kiwi had ever heard because they were not sure they heard it themselves, carried on the frosty breeze that blew through the thicket.

“I’m sorry I’m human….” Kagome let the sentence play in the wind and in the ears of her company. Sesshomaru said nothing.

Kagome knew that all three demons were still there. Her senses were screaming for her to run and be done with this place, but she knew she couldn’t leave Kikyo to die. She did not risk immortality for Inuyasha and her sake to live in grief. She did it so they could be happy and the only way for that to happen was if Kikyo and her child lived. Kagome heard ruffling of material in front of her and looked up trying to deny that he was going to actually leave her there.

Sesshomaru decided to ignore her very soft act of contrition for the time being. He noted that she was not looking up nor moving. Taking it upon himself to make his intent known he knelt in front of her. He made sure that his clothing made noise to alert her of the movement. Looking over his right shoulder slightly, he only moved his right eye from her towards the vicinity of his back.

Kagome was shocked and relieved at his gesture. He was not going to leave her; he only wanted her to get on his back. She watched as she approached him still a tad apprehensively, that he moved his hair out of her way. After getting into the position he put his hair over her. To her surprise it added to the warmth he already radiated. Behind them, Kiwi smirked into her long kimono sleeve that she brought to cover her mouth. Sesshomaru did not want to delay the travel; he formed his cloud underneath his feet once more. Ah-Un taking his lead, they were air born once more.

A couple of minutes into the renewed travel, Kagome started to feel much better. Her sniffling had stopped and she was considerably warmer. She rested her head on his right shoulder facing towards his neck. She watched as she breathed onto his flesh, it began to prickle and he ever so gently began to tighten his grip that was in the crook of each of her knees. Gaining the evil smirk from before she thought it was the perfect time to enact some revenge for the emotional turmoil she had just went through.

Leaning in ever so gently she brought her lips to hover over his highly sensitive ear. She began to tease without words to begin her torment of the demon lord. She knew he couldn’t do anything lest his reputation be tarnished in front of his servant that followed a little bit behind them. Being shielded by his hair gave her all the power in this moment. There was no way she was going to pass this opportunity up to return some of his “favors” from a few nights passed.

“You like it when I ride on your back like this don’t you?” she whispered it so that puffs of air caressed his highly sensitive appendage. His grip grew a little tighter.

Sesshomaru still remained silent and intently looking forward. Kagome pressed her legs into his sides and rode a little up on his back pressing into him lightly. This brought her mouth even closer to his ear and neck.  She continued her ministrations on his exposed porcelain skin.

“You like it when I lean against you like this…”she pressed into him and rubbed herself into his back.

Sesshomaru’s armor was not as high in the back, so her breasts rested comfortably on his shoulder blades. Sesshomaru growled low in his chest. Undaunted, Kagome went further. Kagome brought her lips just mere millimeters away from the skin on his neck and began to tease him some more. She copied his action to the letter.

“I can tell you like it very much Sesshomaru-sama…”she trailed off. Seeing the village approaching quickly, she had to give him something to think about while she and Kiwi handled prudent matters.  Kagome traveled up his neck breathing softly on the skin until she got real close to his ear, her lips touched the outer shell. For some reason she was feeling very bold and captivated with the moment she said something that was not like her, but damn it felt good to be naughty once in awhile.

“…I wonder if you would like it more if I rode you another way….” To emphasize what she said she boldly nipped the lobe of his ear. Kagome was telling herself that if her plan was to work she had to distance herself from Sesshomaru as soon as his feet touched ground.  

It took every ounce of will in the great demon lord not to land and take the woman on his back deep into the woods and show her exactly the effects to her actions. He also had to be mindful not to show too much emotion because Kiwi was not that far behind them on Ah-Un. There was a pause in his thinking. He thought he pictured the dragon and the demoness laughing at him for letting the miko on his back get to him. Sesshomaru was brought back into the carnal world as Kagome upped the ante in her torture. When she bit his ear she was done for. As soon as they landed the woman was going to understand the consequences for teasing him.

Oh yes little priestess…if you want the courtship to take this turn…you will understand the repercussions for tantalizing this Sesshomaru…

They reached the area where Sesshomaru had made his camp for the last few days. Ah-Un knew exactly where to land and where to graze without being told. Kiwi looked around in wonder then at her lord. He was still holding Kagome on his back. She wondered what was going on, and understood the closer she walked towards them. She held back a quiet giggle at the antics of the pair. It came as no surprise when Kagome asked for her help. It seemed that whatever happened on the way here, Sesshomaru was most upset and not in an angry way.  After persuasion on Kiwi’s part he let Kagome go which she landed on her duff in a most undignified fashion.

“Hey! That wasn’t very nice!” Kagome chastised him looking at him while blushing. She stood up and wiped dirt from her sore rear still staring at him. Sesshomaru did not look at her. He was getting his emotions under control.

“Kiwi, give Kagome one of your warmer kimonos.” Kiwi bowed and went to find where Ah-Un strayed to. He was just out of ear shot grazing and soon Kiwi was rifling through the saddle bags.

Quickly, Sesshomaru grabbed Kagome and hauled her to him. She let out a startled gasp and looked at him a tad sheepish. One arm snaked around her waist while the other braced around the back of her neck. He brought her up to eye level.

Oh boy…I’m in for it now...way to go Kagome…me and my bright ideas…
Here the latest installment of Double or Nothing for everyone to enjoy!! And yes the disease mentioned does actually exist. i suggest google if you are really interested in finding out about it. i got relife inspiration to use it actually...hehehehe

I had to break it down to two parts since I made it so ungodly long....forgive me!:cries:

I ownnothing but the acis demons and the doctor. All else are belong to Rumiko Takahashi-sensei.

On to part 2! [link]
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