
DoN: Day 9: Black Jack

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Literature Text

                                                                  Day 9:</u>
                                                               Black Jack

Kagome woke just before dawn. Her dreams not letting her get a full nights rest. She felt something sharp in her left hand and brought it to her blurry eyes. They snapped fully open as images came back to her of the previous night.  Kagome looked at the box as she sat up. She opened it to make sure it was not a dream. Inside was the same gift gleaming even without light.  It brought a small smile to her face.

Kagome slid from the futon and went to her backpack. She set the box down and rummaged through her sack finding all her clothes from the future were clean. Taking off the yukata she slipped into her favorite pair of jeans and a now clean turtleneck sweater. The only one she had brought. She brushed her hair quickly and picked up the box once again. She had questions and Sango was the only one who could answer them.

She went over to where Sango normally slept, but found the futon was already made and was cold. This told Kagome that her best friend had already been up for quite awhile and was probably training. Knowing where she had to go Kagome clutched the box to her and left a sleeping Shippo in the hut. She knew he was safe in this village. Plus, she was not going that far.

The snow from the previous day was gone without a trace. In the middle of a frost covered field was Sango practicing with her huge boomerang. Kagome decided to wait until the slayer was done to talk to her. The sun cleared the horizon in beautiful hues of lavender and pink. Kagome let out a soft sigh as the colors bounced off the glistening frost on the meadow. Sango caught the sound and turned to see Kagome leaning against a tree.

The priestess from the future was holding something. Shouldering her weapon she briskly made her way to her friend. Kagome smiled at her, and they made chit chat as they went back to Sango’s house. They quickly gathered washing supplies and a now awake Shippo and headed for the stream. None of them really wanted to set foot into the very cold water. Kagome still had a few pots in her huge bag, so they decided to start a fire and warm some water to aide in washing themselves instead of dipping in the frozen river. Shippo helped the girls by being a look out which helped Kagome’s nerve to ask Sango some hard and personal questions.  Sango beat her to the punch.

“Kagome, where did you get that box?” Kagome blushed as she continued to wash her arms. There was no use in hiding anything from her friend.

“Sesshomaru gave it to me last night…”she was cut off by a half naked Sango grabbing Kagome’s hand that held the wash cloth still on her arm.

“What is inside it?” Sango’s tone was serious and some what excited. It flustered Kagome.

Kagome put down the wash cloth and picked up the box that was by her side. She took off the lid and held it open for Sango to see. The slayer’s eyes grew wide as the light from the contents hit her skin and eyes. Sango was at a loss for words until Kagome closed the lid and placed it back at her feet. Kagome was the one that broke the silence.

“That was what I wanted to ask you Sango-chan. Why would he give me this out of the blue last night?”

“Oh Kagome-chan, you do not know the demon rules of mating...” Kagome’s breath caught in her throat. Her mind shut everything off save for the memories of the previous night.

Mating?!…does that mean…last night he…

“Sesshomaru…these are…beautiful! I can’t accept them…” at her last words she could have sworn she saw hurt in his eyes.

“They are for you from me….keep them…” he removed his hand from her lips and stroked her cheek ever so gently.

Sango grew concerned when Kagome had stopped listening to her explanation. She was worried seeing her like this. She reached out and slightly shook Kagome by her shoulder. Kagome looked up and gave a small smile to her friend.

“Tell me what happened Kagome.”

Kagome told Sango everything from last night. Sango sighed. Now there was no telling what was going to happen between the lord of the west and the miko of the future. She was supposed to be helping Inuyasha win his side of the wager, but now it seemed the plan had back fired on them. There was only six days left. There was no way for a new plan to take hold. No ideas came to mind. A twig snapped near the forest edge. Sango pulled Kagome to her feet and pressed their bodies together to regain some modesty.  Sango relaxed as a familiar figure came into view with bells ringing.

“Hi!” Ringoshu exclaimed excitedly as she went towards the girls briskly.  

“Ringoshu!” both the human girls exclaimed and smiled to their new companion. It was Kagome that asked the difficult question.

“Rinogshu-chan, what brings you here?” Kagome asked as she put her bra and shirt back on. She grabbed the box and a smile flashed on Ringoshu’s lips as she saw Kagome hold it protectively to her person.

“You do Kagome. Ki-chan told me to be the liaison between Lord Sesshomaru and you.” Kagome did not know what to say or do. Confusion was evident on her face. Sango smirked. This was her chance to get the winning streak back on track.

“Ringoshu-chan, Kagome does not know the courtship rules…” the acid demoness blinked a couple of times and then laughed light heartedly.

“Now I understand what went wrong! Then I should explain it….although I am still not quite sure of it myself…” it was Sango’s turn to laugh, and Kagome looked between the two and sighed deciding to sit down on a nearby rock near the fire. Ringoshu sat across the fire in front of Kagome while Sango sat next to Kagome but on the ground closer to the flames.  

“I shall explain it to both of you.” Sango smiled warmly. Kagome gave a slight nod and Ringoshu smiled broadly and shaking her head ‘yes’ making the bells chime.

“Most demons of high rank set forth rules for acquiring a mate or wife as it were. This way it was easier to see who was available and who was worthy. Each demon has their own set of courtship etiquette that gets passed down their lineage. It can take mere hours or even weeks before anything is set in stone and the couple is joined. It is up to the person they are courting to see how fast it goes generally.” Sango took in a deep breath and let it out slowly knowing there were questions from both the girls. Kagome voiced it first.  

“Why is it up to the one they are courting if the one who asked needs to know if they are a worthy match?” Ringoshu nodded to this, it happened to be the same question she wanted to ask. Sango smiled as she went on explaining.

“The suitor already knows the other is worthy, the one who was asked has a chance within the rules to find out if the suitor is worthy to be their mate.” Understanding dawned on both Ringoshu and Kagome as they both nodded their heads to this knowledge. Kagome looked down at the parcel held in her left hand that rested in her lap. Ringoshu called to her softly.

“Gome-chan, will you accept Lord Sesshomaru’s offering for courtship?” the acid demoness gave Kagome the saddest puppy dog eyes. She was torn inside.

If I accept I would have to stay here in this time…but I would have the family, the children, I always wanted…



No my child…</b>

Mideriko? I thought you were gone…

No my dear child…I am not gone…only laying in dormancy…</b>


Kagome, just because you are immortal does not mean you have to wander this world alone…live for happiness, not drowning in sorrow…</b>

Mideriko’s voice faded in Kagome’s mind once more. She looked down at the box and opened it up. Her decision made. Ringoshu beamed with all the excitement the hyper demon could muster in her small frame. Taking out the gift, Kagome placed the hairpins in her hair. The pins shown with the entire glimmer as before and then some. Each silver clip was adorned with a red ruby lotus blossom which was ringed with black onyx stone leaves. Sango looked wide eyed as she too understood what this gesture meant. With the brightest smile to rival that of the hairpins Kagome gave Ringoshu her answer to give to her suitor.

“Ringoshu, please tell Lord Sesshomaru I accept his offering of courtship.”

The reply she got was two very happy females pounce hugging her, knocking her from the rock and onto her back with a huff. All three girls stood up and laughed. The three women chatted as Ringoshu’s superior skills caught a few fish and roasted them by the fire. Shippo joined them and was very happy to know that Kagome was going to stay here. Hours ticked by as they talked about what Kagome was planning to do within the courtship. They talked amongst themselves as they made their way back to the village to tell everyone else the news. A previous thought occurred to Kagome as they reached Keade’s hut.

“Shu-chan, you didn’t know the courtship rules, yet yesterday you mentioned you lost a child before? I’m a bit confused.”

Ringoshu’s happy demeanor changed to that of forlorn sadness. She motioned for everyone to sit down in Keade’s hut. She began to help Keade with Kikyo in silence. Inuyasha was not his usual self. He sat not far from Kikyo’s form as the two women helped to make sure she was okay.  Everyone inside the home forgot about the happy moment with Kagome’s courtship when Ringoshu began to tell a very sad tale. The demoness never looked up from what she was doing as she spoke. The tone even woke a sleep deprived Miroku, who moved closer to Sango. Inuyasha remained still. The only inclination he was listening was the twitch of one of his ears.

“Yes I lost a child, but it was not my own. I was helping the midwife deliver Kiwi’s baby. It was her first and only. She was mated to a very strong demon in Lord Sesshomaru’s vassals.” A tear slid down Ringoshu’s cheek as she continued to help Keade.  Kagome and Sango both held in a soft sob trying to be strong for Ringoshu. Kagome found her voice; it only shook a little as she urged the demoness on.

“Ringoshu, tell us what happened.” The demoness nodded. The future lady she was to serve had given her a round about order, she had to comply.

“Back then Kiwi would walk freely about the castle. One of us had to be with her so we could communicate with others, but it never seemed to dampen her smile. Sure, everyone found her silence and her talents unnerving. They never spoke out of turn though since she spoke with Sesshomaru directly, but no other males talked to her. Never until the one day had a lower lord on the western border to the north came to pay his taxes to Sesshomaru...” Ringoshu’s eyes took on a far away look. Everyone could not speak, the story being too intense for words.  

“It was during the Lord Ryoji’s second day that he ran into us. I was with Ki-chan that day. It was a moment out of one of the romantic bard songs. They looked at one another and he smiled showing his fangs. Ki-chan did the same, but when he approached us and asked for her name I had to tell him. He grew annoyed that whenever he spoke to her I had to answer. Ki-chan grew angry when he yelled at me not to speak out of turn. She slapped him and we moved away from there. I guess he grew even more enamored with her. The next day Lord Sesshomaru told him of her ‘ailment’…” Ringoshu made the bunny ear motion with her fingers and grimaced as she spoke the last word.

Ringoshu let out a breath as Kikyo began to rest peacefully. The fever was going down and her breathing evened out to indicate she was in deep slumber. Inuyasha moved then to sit by her head and placed it in his lap. Everyone moved next to the fire pit as Kagome began a fire. The hut remained in silence, waiting for the tale to continue. Lunch was cooking in a pot on the roaring fire that warmed the dwelling. Each sat around it to warm themselves. Ringoshu sat by herself on the side nearest Kikyo incase something happened. As the food cooked Ringoshu went on with her story. Her eyes taking on a far away look as the memories played before her in the flames.

“After that he accepted the fact that she could only talk with certain people telepathically. He courted her nonetheless. We three were so happy for her. When the day came the two were mated the whole castle rejoiced, even the people that ridiculed her behind her back. Throughout it all she still refused to leave us behind, and Sesshomaru played a part in it as well, but to what extent we had no idea. He handed his lordship over to his younger brother Urotsu so he could live in the castle with her.  He really didn’t want to give up his status. Either way, Lord Ryoji began to resent us for it. He hid it from Ki-chan though. He would only say scathing words when we were alone…”

Ringoshu dropped her head so her pointy bangs covered her eyes as tears began to fall on their own. Kagome stood up handing a wooden spoon to Sango. The demon slayer went about stirring the contents of the pot so it did not boil over or burn. Kagome moved and sat next to Ringoshu and wrapped an arm around her shoulders sending comfort to the small acid demon.

“It’s okay Shu-chan. You don’t have to tell us more if you don’t want to.” Ringoshu shook her head and looked up with watery eyes to her future liege.

“No, I have come this far, I will continue.” she gave Kagome a weak smile as she went on.    

“Things grew strained between them as ten years went by and she still hadn’t conceived a child. When he found out she was with child the eleventh year, he was happy enough to even be nice to us in private. He even went as far as to apologize to us. After one month Kiwi grew sick, and she declined fast from there. All the celebrating stopped as she became bedridden. Lord Ryoji never left her side. He was bitter once again. The only one he knew he couldn’t be mean with was Sesshomaru when he came to visit her. He would still ask for readings into the future even in her state. This is fine she did it before when she was poisoned once and near death. It was normal, but it set a black flame in Lord Ryoji’s heart. The flame grew with each passing day until it finally consumed him on the final day…” Ringoshu took a deep breath and let it out slowly and continued.

“Kiwi was giving birth to their first child after only being pregnant for six months. It was too early. Survival of the infant was slim to none even if it was healthy and alive. Even with the odds, he was happy. I was helping the midwife Lord Ryoji sent for from his old village. A full day passed when Kiwi gave the final push. The child was stillborn. The cord was wrapped around its neck. Lord Ryoji let out a furious roar which brought Lord Sesshomaru into the room. I placed the infant in Kiwi’s arms and we wept together. Lord Ryoji felt slighted for the last time.

He accused Ki-chan that she didn’t want to be his mate or be the mother of his children; she had enthralled him with her powers and had wiped everything from him that was dear. He went over to her to kill her, but Lord Sesshomaru stopped him. Lord Ryoji had gone completely insane.  They fought, but in the end Lord Sesshomaru had to kill him.

That day I held both Kiwi and the baby as she silently wept for both of her lost loves. The next night we buried the baby outside of her sewing room under the sakura tree. To this day she refuses to leave her room and walk the castle grounds. Most often she refuses to speak with anyone outside of us and Sesshomaru-sama. Males especially, but with you Gome-chan and the others she may have found something she lost all those hundreds of years ago.” Ringoshu gave Kagome and the others a weak smile.  Sango and Kagome had cried right along with Ringoshu. The story was so tragic it could not have been real save for the person that told it. In the short while they knew that Ringoshu would not and could not tell a lie if she wanted to.   

Sango served the food and everyone ate in silence. Kagome took a dish and walked over to Inuyasha. She forced the food in front of the hanyou. He made to protest, but looking up into her eyes he knew better. That was when he noticed the hairpins. He smirked up at her. He knew who they were from and why. It was still too soon to call victory, and he really didn’t feel like ruining his chances so early on. He had to see it to the end. Kagome, however, read the smirk wrong and grew furious.

“Inuyasha, how can you be happy after hearing such a story?!” Inuyasha grew offensive at these words.

“I’m not happy about the story wench! I’m happy about the hairpins woman!” He pointed at them for emphasis. Hearing about the hairpins had broken the melancholy over the home. Kagome reached up to them with each hand and blushed.

“Wh...why would these make you happy Inuyasha?” Kagome was flustered and embarrassed. She didn’t know how to tell him it was his older and much colder half brother that had given them to her, and that it meant she was his intended mate. Inuyasha looked away and gave her the only response he could think of.

“Keh!” Kagome would have sat him, but Kikyo was still asleep in his lap. She looked down as the mentioned priestess opened her eyes slightly. Kikyo motioned for Inuyasha to bend down so she could whisper something in his ear. He nodded and gently laid her head on the pillow. He stood up and moved a couple yards away from her. Kikyo looked up to Kagome and said something that flustered her and made her smile.

“Go ahead Kagome-san.” Kagome regained her composure and turned fiery eyes to Inuyasha whose jaw had hit the floor before he joined it.

“SIT!” Everyone erupted into laughter at the antics. Kagome went over to Kikyo who was now trying to sit up.

“How are you feeling?” Kagome’s voice held true concern for her which made Kikyo a little anxious.

“I am feeling better, thank you.” Kagome smiled at her.  

“Oh, no need to thank me. I did nothing. Keade-san and Ringoshu-chan did everything.” Kikyo looked over at the two and bowed slightly.

“Thank you again to both of you.”

Inuyasha pulled himself from the floor and dusted himself off. He made his way back to Kikyo and sat down. It was the first time she was awake and coherent. He had questions of his own. The story a little bit ago conjured them in his mind.

“Kikyo, do you know what is making you ill? The others aren’t telling me. They said you have to.” Kagome moved towards Shippo.

“Shippo want to go outside and play?” Shippo beamed and Kagome grabbed his little hand and left the hut. Sango and Miroku decided to join them. Ringoshu followed them as well now that Kikyo was healed and doing better. The older miko had reassured her it was safe for her to leave with no further worries.

Outside the little group was bidding Ringoshu a farewell. She had news to deliver to Sesshomaru about Kagome’s acceptance. She said that if all goes well according to what Sesshomaru told her, he would speak with Kagome tonight and give her further instructions. Everyone hugged, and as Ringoshu disappeared into the tree line a loud voice was heard coming from the hut. Inuyasha was a little shocked at Kikyo’s news. The group giggled and made their way to the meadow. Miroku and Sango went off by themselves to talk as Kagome played with Shippo and a couple of other children from the village.    

More children joined in the games after a half hour of play. Kagome was winded as she headed for the tree line to rest. Something was bothering her about the story from earlier. A cool breeze had her wrap her arms around herself. She kept an eye on the children as she receded deep into thought.

Kiwi was sick… the baby had the cord wrapped around its neck, but that wouldn’t make her sick….it has to be something else…one month and she got sick and bed ridden… Kikyo is sick…only one month of pregnancy…could it be…

Kagome was jostled from her reverie when a pulse sounded in her heart. Her eyes focused on the children running towards her screaming her name. Shippo landed on her shoulder and scurried behind her hair. She scanned the field to see what was going on. Two very large rat demons were running after stray children. Kagome ran from the tree line after putting down Shippo and telling him to run and get Inuyasha.

She stopped in the middle of the field facing the two over grown rodents. They saw her and halted pursuit of the last child. Kagome yelled for him to run back to the village. He did so without being told twice. The miko of the future called as much power as she could to her hands. Instead of pink and purple power it was pure white. The demons attacked her at once. All she could do was make a shield around her and pray that Inuyasha saved her in time.

They pummeled her barrier driving her backward, but at a slow pace. It was then that the larger of the two used its tail and side swiped her. Her eyes grew wide with the sudden movement. It launched her into the air making her lose focus and her shield was gone.  Kagome covered her eyes as she headed back to the earth with speed. The smaller had its mouth open waiting for its meal to land in its jaws. Kagome refused to scream. One name came to mind as she went to her death.


Her descent stopped. Kagome felt like she was floating. She slowly opened her eyes to see nothing but white. She closed her eyes once more and accepted her fate. Kagome felt hardness under her rear end. Her eyes shot open as the sound of metal cleaving bone reached her ears. There was her savior in all his glory slicing the demons to pieces. Not a drop of blood marred his person as he turned towards her. The sight set something stirring inside her that she was desperately trying to deny. The whole scene had made her feel a need for him and she didn’t know why.

“Sesshomaru…”it came out wispy and ethereal like the night of the festival. She slowly stood up as he walked towards her sheathing Tokijin.

Sesshomaru had heard the screaming of the children and had made his way to the field in time to see his intended falling towards the maw of a rat.  She did not scream which made him proud inside. He had caught her and set her down not far from the tree line. Sesshomaru killed the lesser rodents and caught her eyes as she stared at him with what looked like awe and something else. He made his way to her as he caught her saying his name ever so softly. It could not daunt his mood.

Sesshomaru was angry with her. She had great power within her and yet she did nothing to stop the lesser youkai. He looked down at her intensely. Kagome blushed prettily and looked down, a very submissive move. His anger turned to mild annoyance with the gesture. With his thumb and forefinger of his right hand he clasped her chin firmly bring her gaze up to his own. She let out a soft gasp of air that traveled down his palm and across the under side of his wrist. This dissipated all his annoyance and woke other things in him.  Sesshomaru knew how to get the answers he wanted from her, and he would have a little fun doing so. Sesshomaru brought his face within inches of her own.

“Why did you not use your power as you did before?” Kagome looked back up at him as his words caressed her cheeks and nose. The nearness, the touching, it was doing things to her mind. It was hard to think.

“I…I…uh…have no idea…” Kagome berated herself for sounding like a complete idiot. The answer perplexed him.

Sesshomaru thought back to the previous night when she was fighting him. Remembering the way her eyes were and how unresponsive she had been to his taunts, he came to the conclusion she really had no idea. That night the power Kagome had exerted towards the demon and himself was not of her own volition. Sesshomaru also concluded if this being the case, she had much training to undergo, and once she was fully his, he would make it so.  

“Thank you for saving me.” Kagome said the words very coyly, moving her face ever so slightly forward. Sesshomaru responded like wise.

“Anything for my intended…” his lips were so close to hers. He felt her breath hitch as their breath mingled. Kagome’s eyes closed as his closed half way ready to enjoy the close embrace for the first time.

“KAGOME!” the loud shout came from the brush as a figure stood a couple of yards away from them panting.

Sesshomaru let go of Kagome’s jaw and stepped away from her in a blink of an eye. Kagome stood there stunned for a couple seconds before realizing that the kiss never happened. She opened her eyes and turned her fury on the person that had interrupted the moment. It quickly turned to concern at seeing the distraught expression on the newcomer.  Kagome ran over o them to see what was wrong. Sesshomaru following close behind.

“Inuyasha, what happened? What is wrong tell me!” Kagome was very concerned. The look in the hanyou’s eyes told her lots, but revealed nothing.

“Kikyo…she’s very ill again…fell right over on the futon when she tried to stand up. We have to hurry back to her. You have to save her!”

Inuyasha grabbed Kagome by her upper arms and was about to carry her back to the village when a very angry growl stopped him. He removed his hands and looked up at Sesshomaru. In Inuyasha’s state he had forgotten that Kagome was his older brother’s intended now, even if Kagome didn’t tell him. The past week or so he had wanted this moment, but right now he had to save Kikyo and his child.

“Please Kagome, save her…and my baby…” Kagome nodded and ran after his retreating form. Sesshomaru caught up to her with ease and he was the one that carried her to the village. They arrived even before Inuyasha had.

Kagome strode into Keade’s hut to find the older and wizened miko sweating over her long lost sister. To Kagome’s surprise Ringoshu was even there. The acid demon’s face was contorted in fear and concentration. Kagome went over to see what she could do to help, but knew there was nothing she could do at this time. Sesshomaru decided to come into the hut as well. He watched silently as the three women worked over the ill priestess. Inuyasha made to go to them, but a firm hand on his shoulder stopped him.

“Stay out of the way.” Sesshomaru’s cold voice cut the order to his younger half sibling. Inuyasha struggled to go to his mate. Sesshomaru’s grip was as sturdy as a mountain. The demon lord just didn’t want to see Kagome get even more upset and over worked then she already was. Inuyasha wasn’t going anywhere.

“Let me go you asshole! She needs me!” Inuyasha’s protests fell on deaf ears.

The sun was setting. The last light of day cast long shadows in the home as the three tried to make sure that Kikyo and her child lived. All the while Kagome was deep in thought. Ringoshu’s story still giving her problems. That was when it occurred to her. Her mother was a nurse, she worked in the pediatric ward of the local hospital. She often would explain illnesses to her when they happened. Kagome really did not know why her mother did so.

Kiwi…Kikyo…this is so familiar…if only I could talk to mother…WAIT!

Kagome stood abruptly from where she sat by Kikyo. She ran from the home without giving any notice. Sango and Miroku had long since returned, but kept Shippo with them in Sango’s hut so as to not disturb what was going on. Kagome dashed by the front door and ignored Miroku who called to her from underneath its frame. Kagome had only one thing in mind. She did not see that a certain lord had followed her.

Please work…please work…it has to work…I did not give up my mortality just to lose…no…it has to work…

Kagome ran with all her might. She stopped once she got to her destination. She did not even hear the voice that called her name, even when it grew annoyed and demanding. Kagome stepped with purpose towards the god tree. The pure white power flaring as she reached out to it. Placing both hands on the aged wood she tried to reach the one person she knew could help across the spans of time.

Mother…can you hear me….please be there…mother…I need you…

There was no reply. Kagome stood there holding onto the god tree for almost an hour before she fell to her knees and wept. Sesshomaru had watched the whole scene transfixed to his spot. Kagome indeed had enough power within her to be reckoned with, but he knew that because of her nature she could only use it for others. He waited patiently a few paces behind her. He saw her fall to her knees and heard the sobbing immediately going to her.

Sesshomaru did not know how to console a full grown crying woman. He did the next thing he understood. He picked her up and sat down placing her in his lap. He wrapped one arm around her shoulders and the other on top of her head. This was the gesture he did with Rin when she would wake at night from night terrors. Kagome instinctively lay back against his chest and continued to weep. Sesshomaru said nothing. He just held her and waited.

It didn’t work…it didn’t work at all…was mother too far away…am I not strong enough…it worked with Inuyasha that once…why not now…I failed….Kikyo and the baby are going to die…and I failed…



You are very strong…please do not fret…</b>

But Kikyo and baby are going to die if I don’t find out what is wrong with them…

Perhaps your mother was too far from the tree…maybe…</b>

Maybe what Mideriko-san…

Maybe with the aide of a powerful telepath or demon we would be able to cross a greater distance to reach her…</b>

Kagome ceased crying as she thought about Mideriko’s words. Then it dawned on her just who she needed to talk to. A smile spread on her face as she replied back to the other spirit that resided in her heart. Mideriko responded with kind words and receded back to dormancy once again.

Sesshomaru heard the weeping stop and relaxed a little bit. He removed the hand on top of her head and wrapped it around her shoulders as she leaned further back against him and let out a long sigh.  He still said nothing.

“Sesshomaru, can you take me back to your castle?” Kagome whispered to the air, and waited for his response.

The question had thrown him for a loop inside. They were just beginning courtship. It was even unheard of for them to be seen like they are right now because it was too much. To be already asking to go home with him seemed to be too good to be true.

Has she already completely accepted me and found me suitable…am I to go against the rest of the rules and do as she asked….perhaps this Sesshomaru assumed too much already…I shall find out…

With his mind made up Sesshomaru leaned forward a little so his lips barely touched Kagome’s ear. He said nothing but let his breath play along the outer shell of the appendage. Already he could see pink starting to mar her cheeks. She closed her eyes half way and let out little pants. Sesshomaru smirked evilly into her neck as he traveled down and back up to her ear once more. His words making little puffs of air enter her ear canal and play with stray strands of hair. The effect made her lids close further and the blush deepen.

“We have just begun to court my lady. Do you wish to forego the rest of the rules?”

The reaction he got was priceless. Kagome’s eyes snapped open and the blush crawled from her cheeks and disappeared into the depths of her shirt. She tried to make a coherent sentence, but failed miserably. Sesshomaru continued to tease her. It really was a lot more fun then tormenting Jaken. He moved from her ear down her neck and let his breath do the same thing to her skin, but this time he brought his lips even closer so she could feel their movement. He felt her shudder which made his smirk deepen.

“It is up to you my intended, on how fast we shall go…” another shudder from her and he was ready to make the teasing become reality. This time Kagome formed a full sentence.

“Sesshomaru I did not mean it that way…” he kept his lips close to her neck as he continued to speak to her.

“Oh? Then tell me the purpose of returning to my home with me.”

Kagome was finding it harder and harder to think let alone explain it to him. He sure knew how to press her buttons. She did not want this moment to end, but she thought back to Kikyo who was hanging in the balance. She resigned hers to helping her, and help her she would. She closed her eyes and let a long sigh regaining control of her body. Sesshomaru saw the game was over once she did so, but remained where he was.  

“I need to talk to Kiwi-san. She is probably the only one that can help me reach across time to my mother.”

“Oh?” Kagome had another shiver run up her spine, but kept her resolve, looks like he wanted more explanation then that.

“My mother would know what is wrong with Kikyo. If I could talk to her I would be able to save her, but I need the help of a powerful telepath to cover more ground then I can alone.”

Kagome hung her head in shame. Admitting weakness to Sesshomaru hurt far worse then anything before it.  Sesshomaru straightened his posture and grew rigid. Kagome took this as a bad sign. She felt him let go and she quickly stood up and moved from him and turned to face him. Sesshomaru stood up as well.

“I’m sorry I’m not strong enough on my own…”Kagome trailed off as Sesshomaru came closer to her. She looked away, but his strong hand guided her face to meet his. The palm of his hand rested gently on her cheek as he spoke to her.

“You are not weak, Kagome. I will take you to talk to Kiwi, but it will be no easy task to get her to leave her room.” Kagome’s mood brightened. She wanted to leap into his arms and hug him, but his armor would probably hurt like hell.

“Thank you.” Kagome whispered. Sesshomaru just smirked and ran his thumb along her cheek barely scraping her skin with his claw as he withdrew it from her. It got Kagome to quake once more.

“I need to tell my friends so they don’t worry then we can be off?”

“No, we will wait until morning. She would be asleep and do us no good.”

“Oh, okay then.” They made their way back to the village in comfortable silence.

They arrived to see her friends waiting outside Keade’s hut. They were relieved to see that she was fine, and still with Sesshomaru. Kagome explained to them what happened as they went inside the domicile. Sesshomaru decided to stay upon the roof. The night was cold, but it did not bother him. He heard his name and looked down to see Kagome. She waved and wished him a goodnight. He nodded and she went back inside.

Sesshomaru looked to the moon as he heard the rest of her friends chit chat until late into the night. He heard Ringoshu taking first watch over the ill priestess.  The dawn could not come fast enough for him. If anything Sesshomaru was patient, but only to an extent. The matter with the miko taking away much of his needed time. After all, he did have a wager to win for his father’s sword, and mate an immortal powerful enough to destroy half his kingdom. He closed his eyes and waited with an excitement he had not felt in hundreds of years.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the usual. I think by now you know what that is…

Here is another installment! Double the word count too! A lot gets explained in this chapter. I don’t want to ruin it for you. Just know that I will not write anything I don’t think is necessary to the story. Had a lot of fun writing this one, and again I don’t know when the next chapter will be released as well. My schedule just got worse for time. I want to thank everyone for reading1 Enjoy!

Inuyasha (c) to Rumiko Takahashi Sensei. Lemon, Blueberry, Ringoshu, and Kiwi are (c) to me.


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i like reading your stories while listing to akon